See All the Latest Software Updates Happening at Wealth Access

We’re excited to let you know that new Wealth Access software updates are released today. Here are the enhancements you can now enjoy.

We are bringing an exciting enhancement to our Native Mobile App. You can now use either fingerprint or facial recognition to access your firm’s app. Facial recognition security requires a compatible iPhone X.

Financial Team & Contacts – You can now migrate and add more than one contact at a time.

Investor Invitation Enhancements – We’re making inviting clients AND prospects customizable and easier. Now you can edit the salutation and signature and also preview your message in real-time.

Trading Activity chart – This update is based on direct client feedback we’ve received. You can now view a bar chart of categories in trading activity.

Override CUSIP diversification for a single holding – Set your own custom allocation of individual positions.

In addition to all our other updates, we have some specific Cash Flow enhancements we’ve released:

  • Improved keyboard support for editing transactions inline in the grid
  • Toolbar stays visible as you scroll
  • Added option to group transactions in overview screen

We hope you’re enjoying your new, enhanced Wealth Access experience. If you have any questions, please click here to get in touch with our support team.

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