Product Updates
Security Reporting
Ticker Lookup
The Wealth Access user experience provides for robust reporting across the client’s portfolio of accounts. With this release, we are enhancing the experience by allowing users to perform additional research and analysis on individual securities, through automatic hyperlinking of tickers to Yahoo Finance. When a ticker is clicked, a new browser tab will open displaying the security in Yahoo Finance. Firm administrators have the option to turn on/off the feature, and can also work with Wealth Access to configure what financial web site is used for the additional security reporting. The feature will be turned on by default with the release.

Personal Financial Management
Custom Client Alerts
End clients can now further enhance their personal financial management (PFM) capabilities in Wealth Access by setting up custom notifications when accounts or transactions reach certain thresholds. This release significantly improves the user experience around setting up Alerts. In the Alerts area of the client experience, clients can now set alerts based on: (i) Net Worth going above or below a certain amount (ii) Account Balances going above or below a certain amount (iii) Banking Transactions exceeding a certain amount (iv) Brokerage Transactions exceeding a certain amount. For (ii) Account Balances, they can set values per account. Once the alerts have been specified, the users have the ability to set the frequency of the alerts; daily, weekly, or monthly.

Advisor Updates
Enhanced Alerting
The Advisor experience has been enhanced to allow advisors to be alerted of certain client activities. Advisors can now be notified in the system when clients add new documents to the client document vault and/or add new accounts to their portfolio. Additionally, the advisor can be notified of these activities through email. This will allow advisors to provide a higher level of service to clients through more proactive communications and keep them aware of all client activity in the system.

Administrative Capabilities
Global Search
We are enhancing the user search capabilities by allowing certain user types to search across multiple levels of the entity hierarchy. At the administrator user level or the team member user level, users now can search for clients by client name and accounts by account name/number. When searching for clients or accounts, the experience is enhanced to show all clients or accounts that match the search critiera. If the user searches for and selects a client, the user will be taken to the client dashboard. If the user searches for and selects an account, the user will be taken to the client dashboard for the account owner of the account. If multiple clients are linked to the selected account, the user will be prompted to select one of the clients.

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